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Table 1 Preoperative and perioperative risk variables associated with KDIGO stages 1-3

From: Validating a scoring tool to predict acute kidney injury (AKI) following cardiac surgery

Risk factors (Total n = 2316)

No AKI (N = 1980)

KDIGO stage 1 (N = 142)

KDIGO stage 2 (N = 60)

KDIGO stage 3 (N = 134)


Preoperative continuous

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)


Age (years)

66.75 (11.01)

69.40* (10.96)

70.27 (10.30)

69.81* (12.43)



29.74 (7.97)

30.98 (5.87)

30.54 (5.61)

30.23 (5.35)


Preoperative creatinine (μmol/L)

95.48 (32.16)

101.25 (36.40)

95.28 (20.19)

152.07 (121.10)*,&,#


Preoperative categorical

N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

N (%)





Female (n = 585)

494 (24.9%)

39 (27.5%)

17 (28.3%)

35 (26.1%)

Male (n = 1731)

1486 (75.1%)

103 (72.5%)

43 (71.7%)

99 (73.9%)

Preoperative intra-aortic balloon pump



Yes (n = 27)

18 (0.9%)

3 (2.1%)

1 (1.7%)

5 (3.7%)

No (n = 2289)

1962 (99.1%)

139 (97.9%)

59 (98.3%)

129 (96.3%)

Congestive heart failure



Yes (n = 256)

177 (8.9%)

23 (16.2%)

15 (25%)

41 (30.6%)

No (n = 2060)

1803 (91.1%)

119 (83.8%)

45 (75%)

93 (69.4%)

Ejection fraction <35%



Yes (n = 224)

197 (9.9%)

11 (7.7%)

5 (8.3%)

11 (8.2%)

sNo (n = 2092)

1783 (90.1%)

131 (92.3%)

55 (91.7%)

123 (91.8%)

Type of surgery



CABG only (n = 1509)

1344 (67.9%)

77 (54.2%)

25 (41.7%)

63 (47.0%)

Valve only (n = 251)

220 (11.1%)

11 (7.7%)

8 (13.3%)

12 (9.0%)

CABG + valve (n = 468)

341 (17.2%)

48 (33.8%)

24 (40.0%)

55 (41.0%)

Other cardiac surgery(n = 88)

75 (3.8%)

6 (4.2%)

3 (5.0%)

4 (3.0%)

Previous cardiac surgery



Yes (n = 178)

131 (6.6%)

21 (14.8%)

8 (13.3%)

18 (13.4%)

No (n = 2138)

1849 (93.4%)

121 (85.2%)

52 (86.7%)

116 (86.6%)

Diabetes mellitus^



Type 1 (n = 22)

18 (0.9%)

2 (1.4%)


2 (1.5%)

Type 2 (n = 698)

569 (28.7%)

50 (35.2%)

28 (46.7%)

51 (38.1%)

None (n = 1596)

1393 (70.4%)

90 (63.4%)

32 (53.3%)

81 (60.4%)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease



Yes (n = 114)

90 (4.5%)

10 (7.0%)

4 (6.7%)

10 (7.5%)

No (n = 2202)

1890 (95.5%)

132 (93.0%)

56 (93.3%)

124 (92.5%)







Perioperative continuous

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)

Mean (SD)


Cardiopulmonary bypass time (entry to exit minutes)

279.79 (73.91)

314.45* (93.31)

316.45* (92.60)

340.02*,& (109.14)


Clamp time (minutes)

94.77 (36.63)

111.87* (40.65)

114.72* (48.14)

126.36*,& (55.70)


Pump time (minutes)

112.55 (47.95)

135.55* (51.30)

141.98* (66.01)

162.98*,& (78.01)


Number of bypass grafts

5.53 (1.87)

5.44 (2.07)

5.25 (2.49)

5.35 (2.21)

  1. Abbreviations: AKI acute kidney injury, BMI body mass index, CABG coronary artery bypass graft, KDIGO, kidney disease: improving global outcomes, SD standard deviation.
  2. Note: Conversion factors for units: SCr in to μmol/L to mg/dL x0.0113.
  3. *significantly different from No AKI (p < 0.05, Bonferonni).
  4. &significant different from Stage 1 (p < 0.05, Bonferonni).
  5. #significantly different from Stage 2 (p < 0.05, Bonferonni).
  6. ^p-value with type 1 diabetes only: p = 0.7.